Unfortunately, in our younger years when time and compounding returns can make huge differences in the long term, most of us are simply not interested in retirement planning. Simple strategies can give you a better retirement, If we can get you interested!
Do you know how Salary Sacrifice to Superannuation works?
Have you looked at that colorful little pie chart on your Super statement and wondered what it is all about and what impact that it has on your retirement? What does “Risk Profile” or “asset allocation” mean to you? Would a 30 year old be more interested in the pie chart if it had the potential to double her retirement lump sum?
What if our 30 year old wants to retire at 55. Superannuation is still important but she can’t access it until she hits 60. There has to be other strings to her retirement planning bow.
What about paying extra off my mortgage, is that a better strategy than paying extra into superannuation?
Getting older puts retirement front of mind, we are suddenly more interested when it appears on the horizon and is no longer a vague “some day” distant concept. Maximising the effectiveness of your retirement planning strategy is now crucial. Particularly tax effective strategies apply to those aged 55 and over.
As you get closer to that day when you can throw out the alarm clock many questions will need to be answered? Can I afford to retire? How long will my money last? How do I make the most of Centrelink benefits? Will I qualify for the Age Pension from Centrelink? What if want to retire but my wife is younger than me, is there anything else we can do as she is too young for the Age Pension? Will I get a Health Care Card?
Insight Wealth Partners will help our clients make the most of their retirement planning strategy. We have extensive experience dealing with Centrelink issues and assist our clients to maximise their benefits and complete the appropriate claims.
Of course we do like to tell our self funded retirees that not qualifying for the Age Pension should be a reminder of their financial success!