

March 5 Update – Trevor Thompson

I think I am about to get on my high horse again! Dodgy advice rears its head once more. I might have explained the difference between agreed value and indemnity when it comes to Income protection insurance. If you have…

March 4 Update – Trevor Thompson

Money and Politics Stock markets are reacting nervously about the political situation in Ukraine. When too super powers butt heads nervousness is perhaps natural. I picked this out of the broker report this morning “The Russian ruble and stock market…

February 24 Update – Trevor Thompson

Legislation to remove the Age Pension Income test discounts for Account based pensions has passed the lower house and is in the Senate. What does this mean to you? If you retire and convert your super to a pension it…

February 17 Update – Trevor Thompson

I have to admit an epic fail! I posted a while back that stopping clients doing something stupid was one the biggest value adds an adviser offers. Well in case you werent watching the markets, January was a bad month,…

February 14 Update – Trevor Thompson

Have you ever heard the saying “don’t mix money and family (or friends) or you might wind up losing both”? I had a conversation this morning that proves this can happen. If you are going to do any high value…

February 7 Update – Trevor Thomspson

Quick question from one of the accountants on behalf of their client. “Can a 53 year old get their super out if they can no longer work due to ill health” Yes they can but do they have any insurance…

How Greed and Fear Kill Returns

Most of us make the same mistake with our money over and over again: We buy high out of greed and sell low out of fear, despite knowing on an intellectual level that it is a very bad idea. The…

February 6 – Trevor Thompson

Just a refresher on what happens if you make stock market investment decisions short term (driven by those two powerful emotions of fear and greed). Refer to the Link By Trevor Thompson.  CFP DipFP SENIOR PARTNER

World facing cancer ‘tidal wave’, WHO warns

A “tidal wave” of cancer will see the number of cases increase by 70 percent across the globe, World Health Organisation scientists warn. The WHO says while the number of cancer cases will reach 24 million a year by 2035,…

February 5 – Trevor Thompson

Hmmm, would this be an appropriate time to mention that cancer is the biggest single cause of claim for Trauma insurance. Do you have Trauma cover? its the one most likely to be claimed on. Refer to the Link …