November 8 – Trevor Thompson

Fear and Greed. The two biggest motivators of the stock market movement in the short term.

In the shadow of the GFC the markets are recovering but you dont get the feeling that the fear has been forgotten and the greed is coming back.

Or do you…

A few months ago I met clients who were fed up with their super and wanted to use it to set up a self managed super fund to buy property.

So fast forward, deal is done and only one fund is left to be rolled over into the SMSF. There is already enough in there for the property deposit. I get the call last night “I would like to leave this one where it is as it is going back up so fast now”. Suddenly Super is “good” again!!

There is absolutely no science to this, but that is the sort of attitude that needs to be prevalent for the next sharemarket boom to happen. I hope it catches on!!!!!

By Trevor Thompson.