Retirement Income Seminar
Click here to see the information flyer about Insight Wealth Partners ‘Retirement Income Seminar’.
Insight Accounting and Insight Wealth Partners invite you to join us at our upcoming client information evening. We encourage you to also bring along friends and family who are talking about ‘retirement’ and who are considering their options.
Trevor Thomson – Senior Financial Planner and Director of Insight Wealth Partners
Laura Salsbury – Challenger Income Stream Specialist
Date: Wednesday, 20th March 2013
Time: 6:15pm – for a 6:30pm start (Refreshments provided)
Venue: Berwick Springs Hotel – Crn Clyde & Greaves Road, Berwick
Cost: FREE
We will help answer questions on topics like:
- A known & guaranteed retirement income for life – worth considering?
- Will I qualify for the Age Pension from Centrelink?
- How can I protect my capital from more market turmoil?
- Will my retirement income last as long as I will?
How a tax-free income stream is possible – even if you are still working
Places are limited so RSVP today! Call Michelle at Insight Accounting (03) 5995 2700
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